Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Acute and chronic leukemia

Most of the sign and symptoms of leukemia are weight loss, loss of muscle contol and keep complaining of joint pains, fatique, vomitting, fever most of his life time, abnormal bleeding and notice enlarge spleen lymph nodes. Some leukemia patients will developes sores on the skin or in the eyes. While some leukemia patients will show no symptom until the disease has advance to chronic leukemia.

As leukemia is one of dangerous disease it is advisable to see your doctor if you notice such symptom and its a types of cancer that stard in our body that produce blood cell in our bone marrow which are called lymph nodes which are break up into parts namely the acute and chronic leukemia. The function of Acute and chronic are difference in style. The acute are faster progressing leukemia while chronic leukemia slowly progressing leukemia.


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