Monday, October 30, 2006

treatment of leukemaia

Leukemia is one of the dangerous diesease that is related to the blood which has access to almost all body organs including the all important brain and heart. The incidence of cancerous cells being carried to the different parts of the body increases drastically due to this fact. Another striking aspect of the blood cancer is that it affects the leukocytes or the “white blood corpuscles” of the blood. These are the ones that protect the body from external infections. Thus the immunity of the body is seen to decrease drastically due to leukemia. The main effect of the disease is that the body starts producing infected and abnormal cells that hinder the function of blood carrying of oxygen.

The treatment of leukemaia are :-

Chemotherapy utilizes chemicals to treat the cancer. It causes many side effects such as hair loss, nausea and decline of the immune system. This is the most common form of treatment for leukemia.

Radiation therapy is another form of treatment. It is painless and in low doses causes very few side effects. Where the radiation is concentrated and the exposure levels will determine the side effects which might damage to the skin, swelling and infertility are among the possible side effects.

A bone marrow transplant is an effective way to prolong the life of cancer patients. It is however a risky surgery and requires a donor which can be difficult in attaining. These surgeries should be performed at state hospitals specializing in cancer treatment. This surgery has a high mortality rate and is therefore used only in life threatening cases.

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